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The Best Digital Commerce Platforms in 2024: A Comparison

Did you know that over 75% of people in the European Union buy items online? And that number is only expected to go up.

The numbers couldn’t be more clear: a great, interactive, digital shopping experience is the key to commercial success. And the right digital commerce platform will help you build precisely that. It helps you provide customers with the best possible buying journey — and that means they will happily return to you time and time again. 

Which tool should you pick? That all depends on you: the size of your business, your goals and your plans for the future. Read on to find out more about our top picks for digital commerce platforms in 2024. 

  • SAP Commerce Cloud 
  • Adobe Commerce 
  • Commercetools 

SAP Commerce Cloud:
A complete solution that works out of the box

SAP has a long, long history of building tools to support businesses. And now that they’re focusing on going completely modular with their Commerce Cloud solution, we believe more than ever that SAP is doing all the right things to help you start, grow and scale your online business.

What we love about SAP Commerce Cloud:

  • A modern, intuitive interface, packed with features to guide you through workflows.
  • Easy connectivity with other SAP tools and third-party solutions.
  • Loads and loads of features, ready to go right out of the box.

What you should know before you choose SAP Commerce Cloud:

  • SAP is continually adding integrations with third-party applications, but some may need custom building.

Adobe Commerce
Broadens your customers’ digital experience

Adobe has built a complete Digital Experience suite that combines commerce solutions with digital marketing, advertising, analytics, web content and more. That means you need fewer integrations to make different tools talk to each other: they’re already built in.

What we love about Adobe Commerce:

  • That sweet suite synergy with other Adobe tools such as Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe Analytics, Adobe Target, Adobe Real-Time CDP and Amazon Marketplace.
  • Works great with headless storefronts, making it easy to develop the front- and back-end of your store individually.
  • Very suitable for B2C businesses.

What you should know before you choose Adobe Commerce:

  • Some more complex B2B workflows may be harder to set up in Adobe Commerce.

Modular architecture that plays well with others

Commercetools is an expert in headless set-ups for large companies. We’re adding it to our catalog in 2024 because it’s so customizable. Commercetools basically allows you to build any functionality you need — or get our help to do so.

What we love about Commercetools:

  • Well suited for large companies.
  • Very customizable.
  • Recognized leader by the MACH alliance for commerce (microservices, headless, cloud-native)

What you should know before you choose Commercetools:

  • You will likely need some custom building, which is mostly worth it at bigger scales.

Choosing the right digital commerce platform

So … How do you choose? SAP Commerce Cloud, Adobe Commerce and Commercetools are all flexible, powerful tools to help you boost your online sales, stay on top of trends and provide your customers with the best possible buying journey.

The comparison above is a good jumping off point to find out what your business needs. But there’s an ace up your sleeve: you have us. Let us know who you are, what your goals are and how you see your digital future. We’ll figure out the rest together.

Note: This article is not sponsored by any of the 3rd party organisations that were mentioned. The contents are based on personal experiences or viewpoints and endorsed by We+ as a best practice at the time of writing.